Book an Appointment

How To Book An Appointment

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Pharmacy & Self-Care

Your pharmacy can advise you on minor illness without the need of an appointment. Please speak to a pharmacist first.

Pharmacy Logo

Pharmacy & Self-Care

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can offer clinical advice, over the counter medicines and their use, to effectively and safely manage a range of minor health concerns. They can also help you to decide whether you'll need to see a doctor. You don't need an appointment and you won't even be asked to make a purchase. Every pharmacy also has a private consultation area for you to talk about your symptoms in private if you prefer.


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Who Should I See?

Find out which services we provide

You can find out what services we provide and how to book an appointment via our services page

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Urgent Appointments

Urgent cases are dealt with by the Duty Doctor on call.

All requests should be submitted online, and urgent cases will be flagged by the system. You will be asked to provide details of your urgent concern as this assists the doctors grading the urgency of your case.

Please make sure reception have an up-to-date contact number. The doctor will try to phone you back within 2 hours. The outcome of that telephone consultation may allow resolution of your concern (about 30% of cases), identification of the need for a face-to-face consultation with the doctor either that day or at a later mutually agreed time (perhaps after further tests have been undertaken) or management of the problem by another member of the clinical team, e.g. our highly trained practice nurses or paramedic.

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Pre-Bookable Appointments

Can be made up to 2 weeks in advance (and includes extended week day hours and Saturday mornings) by submitting a triage form.

If no suitable appointment is available with your named GP you will be offered a pre-bookable appointment with another doctor. If you feel your need is more pressing than these appointments can provide, you will be invited to be added to the Triage List on the day you submit your triage form online.

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Improved Access

GP and nurse appointments are now available during the evening and at the weekend for people across coastal West Sussex.

This means that urgent appointments are available until 8.00pm during the week, and during clinics on a Saturday and Sunday.

This aims to improve access to GP appointments and help local people to get the help and support they need. The service is run by Innovations in Primary Care (IPC), a not-for-profit company owned by local GP practices.

The appointments will be available at local GP Access Hubs (GPAH), run from GP surgeries. They will be both routine and urgent appointments with a doctor, nurse or healthcare professional.

The teams will see new illnesses when you urgently need to see a health professional, and offer planned appointments such as family planning and smear tests that can be hard to arrange whilst at work or when you are caring for family or a loved one.

IPC has been running the GP Access Hubs in Adur and Worthing for the last three years, offering help for ‘minor injury assessment and minor illnesses’.

These clinics have been successful and helped local people to access the support they need outside of normal opening times.

Patients book into the GP access hubs via their normal GP practice, and may be offered an appointment at one of the hubs at the weekend if they call NHS 111 for urgent health advice and support.

The hubs may be at your GP practice or they may be at a neighbouring GP practice locally in the community around you.

The teams will have access to your medical records with your consent, and any care they provide will be added to your notes so your GP practice can continue any ongoing care.

New Pond Row Surgery patients may be offered an appointment at an Access Hub after submitting their request online and the Triage team assessing their clinical need.

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Adult Blood Tests

Worthing, Southland and St Richard's Hospitals

The Phlebotomy service for blood tests is provided at Worthing Hospital, Southlands Hospital in Shoreham, and St Richards Hospital in Chichester.

Please ensure that you take your blood request form/labels, given to you by your requesting clinician, with you when you attend otherwise they will not be able to carry out the procedure. Please also ensure you attend at the required date & time for your appointment otherwise they may have to rebook you in at another time.

Do ensure that you follow any instructions given to you by your requesting clinician, such as fasting requirements or specific booking times and/or days.

You can book your appointment online here or alternatively, you can book blood tests at Worthing Hospital by telephone on 01903 285149. Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, a sudden confused state, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
Emergencies are situations that cannot be managed at home and may be life threatening